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Building Big Biceps - Biceps Workout

Biceps Cable Superset Workout

If large, bulging biceps are what you want, then you've come to the right place. For a great pump, finish your biceps off with the continuous tension offered by focused cable work. Try this great superset.

Biceps Superset - What to do

Set up a cable crossover machine with one arm handles in the top position on both sides and a straight-bar attached to the low position on one side.

Set the stack with the straight-bar attached to a moderately heavy weight. Let's use 100 lbs. as an example. Set the other weight stack at one half that weight (in this case 50 lbs.).

Start the set by doing the straight-bar curls at 100 lbs. I like to use a fairly close grip on these (about 6" apart). Be sure to fully contract your biceps in the peak position—this is key.

When you reach the top position, try curling your wrists inward towards your chin to further emphasize the contraction.

Lower the weight slowly to really work the eccentric part of the movement. Shoot for 8-12 reps to failure.

When complete, immediately drop the weight stack by half—in this case from 100 lbs. to 50 lbs. The other side should already be set at 50 lbs.; this is to save time as you need to transition from one movement to the next as quickly as possible (no break).

Grab the two upper handles as if you were going to do cable crossovers, only have your palms pointing up towards the ceiling.

Now, curl both arms in towards your head as if you were striking a front double-biceps pose. Squeeze at peak contraction and hold for a count of two. Be sure to emphasize the negative part of the movement.

Stick with a rep range of 8-12. Take a minute, repeat the superset once more, and feel your arms explode.

Basic Bicep Exercises

Although biceps are considered a small muscle group, smaller than say the chest, legs, or back, their importance within a hard-core bodybuilder's physique is undeniable.

Pipes. Guns. Bazookas. Take your pick. Grab your weapon of choice.

This common weight room jargon refers to the muscle that separates your elbows from your shoulders, those bulging beauties known as your biceps.

The double-bi pose is among a bodybuilder's favorite.

Of course, before you go carving them into oblivion, it is most imperative to amass the mass on your arms. You cannot shape what you don't have.

Here are a couple of biceps-blasting exercises designed to load up those guns for the big showdown:

Alternating Dumbbell Curls:

You can do these either standing upright or sitting on a bench. Take a pair of dumbbells of considerable weight and hold them at your sides so that your palms are facing your legs and your thumbs are facing outward. Slowly curl one arm toward your torso, turning your arm in so that your palm is facing upward. Squeeze your biceps during the contraction. As you slowly lower the weight toward the floor, your other arm should begin curling the weight toward your torso, repeating the motion. Do 3 sets of 10 reps on each arm.

Straight Bar Curls:

Take a straight barbell and load it up with considerable weight, holding it in your hands with your palms facing upward. Have your hands at shoulder width as you lock your elbows into your sides. Slowly curl the bar toward your torso, squeezing the biceps during the range of motion. Hold at the contraction for a beat, then slowly lower the weight toward the starting position, as you concentrate solely on the negative movement. Visualize your biceps tearing up with each repetition. Repeat the process, cranking out 3 sets of 10 reps.

Of course, your gains will be minimal without the use of effective form. Do not swing your back or move your elbows during the range of motion.


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