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Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injury & Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Muscle Pain

Everyone has overdone it and hurt their shoulder at some point or another.  More often than not, you’ve probably hurt the shoulder not from working out, but from doing something around the house that your body just wasn’t ready for.  Maybe you decided to scrub the floors on your hands and knees or attempted to paint the ceiling by yourself – in any case, you’ve used the muscles in a way that they weren’t expected and they began to cause you pain.

The muscle pain can be caused by several things: simple muscle pain from strains, muscle tears, bruising, or a more significant injury.  If you should feel any pain during an exercise or a movement, it’s best to stop the action that you are performing and have the pain checked by a physician if it does not resolve on its own.

Pulled Shoulder Muscle & Rotator Cuff Injury

Shoulder injury can develop acutely (ie. an incident) or chronically (repetitive strain). Overhead motions such as throwing, swimming, swinging a racket are repetitive strains on the shoulder which can lead to tendinitis. The tendons of the rotator cuff are susceptible to aging, and weaken with age. Rotator cuff tear can simply occur because of aging during stress and activities.

In sports, the rotator cuff can be injured through overuse (repetitive motions), or trauma (a single incident).Rotator cuff injury is common in sports such as swimming, baseball, tennis, and volleyball. You might suffer a pulled shoulder muscle from too many repetitions of a movement.

You might feel a pulled shoulder muscle pain immediately upon moving the shoulder muscle, or it can be a delayed pain that doesn’t reveal itself until two days later.  It can feel like a dull ache or it can only show itself when the muscle itself is used.  Sometimes that pain can be dull or it can be sharp, depending on the severity of the injury.

The shoulder has the largest range of motion of the body. Ligaments hold the shoulder bone in its socket, and it's the flexibility of these ligaments that allow for a wide range of motion. When these ligaments become weak, stretched, and torn, instability can take place where in severe cases, the shoulder comes out of its socket, and this is know as a dislocated shoulder.

Prevention of Shoulder Injury and Treatment

Thankfully, there are a number of ways to prevent shoulder injury before you have to suffer. 

  • Always warm up your shoulder muscles prior to exercise
  • Do stretches for your shoulders
  • A good stretch to do is to take your arm across your body and pull it with the other arm to stretch the back of your shoulder.
  • Start with light weights and gradually work your way up to heavier weights
  • Stop whenever you feel strain in your shoulders.

If you have injured your shoulder, there are a few ways that you can treat the affected area.

  • The first thing to do is the R.I.C.E. treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
  • Next, to get more blood flowing to the shoulder, apply heat. Heat is very good for increasing blood flow to a certain area.
  • Massaging can also increase the blood flow to the injured area
  • Keep the areas moving in small, gentle movements to maintain blood flow
  • Go see your doctor is the pain worsens or does not heal

You may need surgery if the shoulder injury is severe, so if you’re not sure, call for an appointment.  Delaying treatment can lead to permanent damage.